Taylor’s Story

“Over time I began to realise how powerful it was just to have someone to check in with on a weekly basis, who was on my side, and who was able to acknowledge the struggles I faced with my mental health whilst looking for work.”

‘‘When I was referred to the service, I wasn’t sure if it was meant for me. I felt like a fraud taking up a space that someone else might need more. Taylor was incredibly patient and encouraging though. He gave me the space to work out how I wanted to use the service, and offered insight into the ways that others have found it helpful.

Over time I began to realise how powerful it was just to have someone to check in with on a weekly basis, who was on my side, and who was able to acknowledge the struggles I faced with my mental health whilst looking for work. I came to look forward to updating Taylor on my little successes and perceived failures. He gave me confidence and reminded me of how much I had already achieved.

When I finally found full-time work, Taylor was as pleased as I was, and it felt very supportive to have shared the journey with someone. Not only did I feel my mental health struggle was validated, but my resilience was celebrated.’’