
Hillside have tried to make our website as accessible as possible. Please read below to find out how to use your browser to take full advantage of these features.

Where possible use an up-to-date browser

By using an up-to-date browser (the program you use to access the internet) you will have access to a much richer set of options to aid you as you navigate your way around this site.  

The standard browsers we would recommend are below;

Mozilla FireFox

Google Chrome

Apple Safari (MAC only) 

Internet explorer 


Once installed, each will bring its own selection of accessibility options and may allow further options via the use of plug-ins and/or browser extensions/apps. Most modern browsers all share the most common accessibility tools, here is a list of useful features:

Incremental Search

This is a feature in many applications that offers to complete a word or address that is only partially typed in. With internet browsers, incremental search allows you to progressively search a web page for a particular word or phrase on a page. To enable this on your browser, press and hold Ctrl/Command and then tap F. This will open a box to type your search into. As you type, the matches will be highlighted on the page for you.

Spatial Navigation

Spatial navigation is the ability to navigate between focusable elements, such as ‘hyperlinks’ and form controls. For example, hitting tab will jump you to each of the items you can interact with on any page, or holding the SHIFT key and then pressing tab will take you to the previous item.

Caret Navigation (Internet Explorer and Firefox only)

A feature in web browsers that allows the user to move around the web page and highlight selections with the keyboard rather than a mouse. One can use standard navigation keys on their keyboard: Home, End, Page Up, Page Down & the arrow keys. To turn this feature on, press the F7 key at the top of your keyboard and choose whether to enable the caret on the tab you are viewing or all your tabs. 

Text fonts

You can override all fonts on the site to one that is easier for you to read. Options can be found in your browser's settings/ preferences. For example, with Mozilla Firefox, click the Menu icon on the ‘top-right’ corner of the screen and select the appropriate option.

Moreover, the following link will explain the process to change font types in other browsers.

Enlarge your view

You can activate the browser zoom feature via keyboard shortcuts:

Zoom in Firefox

Zoom in Chrome

Zoom in Safari

Zoom in Internet Explorer

Zoom in Edge

Other Accessibility Features

If you can suggest any other ways that our website could improve accessibility or have any trouble with our website, please do not hesitate to contact us.