Gabriel’s Story

“I definitely recommend Hillside Clubhouse to anyone with mental health issues, who wants to get back into employment.”

“I was becoming more and more anxious, as I was working on a zero hours contract as a self-employed Property Inventory Taker during Lockdown as I was trying to get enough work to make ends meet. My therapist at iCope recommended Hillside Clubhouse for support to get a better job. I registered on the telephone, as it was at the height of the Pandemic and I got support and encouragement until I was able to attend Clubhouse. My passion is graphic design and in the beginning, I was asked to design menus for Clubhouse Kitchen. I then progressed to helping design the website. As my confidence increased, I was introduced to Sara at LIFT, who told me about an opportunity to work at a PR Agency as a junior designer. This was my big chance! I successfully completed a job trial and I’m now working full-time and loving it.

I definitely recommend Hillside Clubhouse to anyone with mental health issues, who wants to get back into employment.”